The past 5 days
Data and analyses
White Stork 2024
Western House Martin 2024
Barn Swallow 2024
Common Swift 2024
Great Egret 23-24
Common Crane 2024
Western Cattle Egret 2024
Little Gull 23-24
Black Redstart 23-24
Fire Salamander 2024
Palmate Newt 2024
Common Winter Damsel 2024
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Fields with a star are mandatory. You can also add a portrait of yourself to complete your profile. These data will only be used to inform you about the website evolution or if we need some more information about one of your contributions. These personal data and parameters can be changed at any time. You can find all the necessary information by selecting «My account» in the website menu (on the bottom left side of the main page) after your connection. You will receive by email the password necessary for your connection a few minutes after the completion of your registration. IMPORTANT : If you do not receive any password, please contact We would like to point out that any of your data as well as the location coordinates or remarks you might send can be seen and used by any users of this website. Data concerning scarce breeding species or data you have protected are of course not available for anybody. If you wish to, you can also protect data that have been already sent.
Personal data :
* Birthyear
I live in France or in adjacent regions :
* County
* Municipality
* Email (work as username)
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Terms :
Project carried out by LPO France, in collaboration with a network of partner associations.